To be stressed is to be alive.

And however uncomfortable it makes you, it is a universal feeling that is a part of the imperfect human experience. Stress drains your energy, causes fatigue, and increases negative thoughts that can contribute to anxious feelings. Fortunately, there are ways to build up a healthy response to stress that can even reverse the uncomfortable feelings over time. 

The most basic and important way to mitigate stress is by taking care of yourself. It may sound simple, but your mind and body are connected in powerful ways and by maintaining your physical, emotional, and mental reserves, you can actually prevent and manage stress.

Here are some tips for putting one's own mind, body and spirit at ease before stress runs the trio ragged.

1. Do less, adapt your vibe

Sometimes your body needs down time to relax and replenish your energy storage. Rather than taking on more responsibilities, take a pause. Sit at home and read. Pair that with herbal tea and a good book.

2. Make time for reflection

Whether you write down stressful thoughts to get them out of your head, or keep a regular diary that focuses on gratitude and positivity, taking time to reflect on your feelings and write them down can have a calming effect. Taking a few minutes each day for this exercise can even help prevent future feelings of stress.

3. Exercise or move around

Making time for regular sweat sessions helps your body reduce the mental and physical impact of stress. If frustration is building, take a high-energy exercise class to help you sweat out pent up emotions, which can have a calming effect. Yoga is also another common way to cope with stress through physical movement and stretching. 

4. Walk around barefoot

Grounding (or earthing) is when your skin comes into contact with the ground and your body becomes a sponge that soaks up the negatively-charged electrons from the earth. The negative electrons absorbed from the earth quenches the free radicals, supports the immune system, and puts out "the fires". Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman described an umbrella affect created when we “earth.” He claimed that grounding equalized the electronic potential between the body and the earth, so the body becomes an extension of the earth’s magnetic field.

5. Practice meditation

To help stimulate your relaxation response, try intentional breathing and a basic meditation practice. There are a collection of mobile apps and YouTube channels with breathing exercises that can help you strategically recenter, helping reduce your stress levels. Pair this with our Vela - Stress & Anxiety Blend to tune your mind into a more relaxed and calm state. 


If you feel breathless due to anxiety, there are breathing techniques you can try to alleviate symptoms and start feeling better. There is no one specific method that works best and we suggest exploring everything from abdomen breathing to the many yogic exercises to find what works best for you. 

7. Get quality sleep

To help stimulate your relaxation response, try intentional breathing and a basic meditation practice. There are a collection of mobile apps and YouTube channels with breathing exercises that can help you strategically recenter, helping reduce your stress levels. Our Corvus - Sleep Blend is designed specifically for ones need to relax your mind and serenade you a deep and relaxing sleep.

8. Reduce your caffeine and sugar intake

There are positive effects to the correct amount of caffeine and sugar you ingest. However, these two substances are also connected to the elevation of cortisol levels. High amounts of sugar and caffeine (or stress) can lead to the negative health effects associated with prolonged elevated levels of cortisol. The Lepus - Energy Blend is a healthy alternative to added sugar and caffeine while boosting your energy.

9. Try adaptogens

Adaptogens increase the state of non-specific resistance in stress and decrease sensitivity to stressors. Instead of exhaustion, a higher level of equilibrium is achieved. The higher your level of equilibrium, the easier you adapt to stress. Thus, the stimulating and anti-fatigue effect of adaptogens has been documented to improve your ability to manage stress and anxiety.

10. Identify and partake in situations that make you smile and laugh

Book yourself a small holiday or even a "staycation", go see an old friend, buy yourself some flowers, watch a movie from your childhood, eat your comfort food, jump into a bed with freshly washed sheets, take a swim, or just watch the sun set. Make sure you take some time to get out of your own head!